
Showing posts from October, 2023

Gizaudio × Binary Chopin: The Most Versatile Hybrid under $200

Pros Lightweight yet well built Surprisingly comfortable fit (Subjective) Very versatile tuning Powerful yet very well controlled bass Clean, natural midrange Slightly forward, engaging female vocals but never shouty Inoffensive, smooth treble  Decent, natural treble extension Good technicalities Cons Accessories could be better for a product in this price range Weird shape with thick and long nozzles, fit may not be for everyone (Subjective) Bass tuck Male vocals lacks a bit of lushness Lack of "wow" factor Disclaimer Huge thanks to Hifigo for providing the opportunity for me to review the Gizaudio × Binary Chopin. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way.  Please take this review with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different. Price(MSRP) $199.99 Source(s) Truthear Shio FiiO KA13 Ear tips Dunu S&S Packaging IEM. Hard case.  Quality is s

Yanyin Canon II: A cleaner, more refined version of the OG Canon. But is that necessarily a good thing?

Pros Good quality cable and carrying case Amazing aesthetics and lightweight build  Surprisingly easy to drive Well textured bass Midrange is quite clean with a touch of warmth Lush, bodied male vocals  Relaxing female vocals Smooth, inoffensive treble  Well extended and airy treble presentation Great technicalities Cons Only barebone accessories for a product of this tier Switches don't do too much  Boomy bass (can be mitigated a bit with switch settings)  Female vocals lacking a bit of energy Upper midrange transition to lower treble is somewhat gritty  Disclaimer Huge thanks to Yanyin for providing the opportunity for me to review the Yanyin Canon II via a tour. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way.  Price(MSRP) $379.00 Source(s) Jcally JM6 Pro Truthear Shio FiiO KA13 Ear tips Dunu S&S Packaging IEM. Attached to 1 pair of generic silicone ear tips (M sized) Hard case.  Leather-ish texture. 3 pairs of gene

SeeAudio x Z Review Rinko: 完全不一樣的SeeAudio調音風格!

優點 輕巧,舒服的佩戴感 素質不錯的耳套,綫材 低頻量大,飽滿,厚實,氛圍感強 女聲表現亮麗,突出 高頻不會過於刺耳 極高頻延展表現不錯 定位能力佳 缺點 整體中頻下盤表現偏弱,過糊 比較低沉的人聲容易被過量的低音蓋過 女聲有時會過於刺激,靠前 音場表現偏窄 前言 非常感謝HiFiGo願意把SeeAudio x Z Review Rinko寄來,讓我完成這篇心得。不過請放心,我會盡力表達我真實的使用心得,HiFiGo並沒有影響我的感想 本人對煲機,綫材,搭配有比較小幅度的影響,不會過於注重這些細節 煲機 - 每天都會至少使用10-12小時,大約1周后才會開始寫心得 綫材 - 我有其他4.4的升級綫 (Tripowin Zonie),對換綫不會太敏感  小尾巴 - 基本上只要推得到舒服的音量就差不多了,剩下的音色搭配不會把耳機的缺點完全補掉,頂多只會有小幅度的改善 單體配置 1動圈 + 1平板 搭配 小尾巴 Truthear Shio Jcally JM6 Pro 耳套 DUNU S&S  開箱 耳機 原本就配著一副特別的硅膠海綿綜合耳套(中) 0.78mm插口 收納盒 亞克力牌 徽章 板子 耳套 兩副特別的硅膠海綿綜合耳套(小,大) 算是低音特化的耳套,可是個人覺得偏滑,需要找到比較適合的尺寸 線材 4純度鍍銀無氧銅線材。 4股灰色雙絞線,鍍銀6N無氧銅線 質感還不錯,算是比較柔軟的線材,可是偶爾會打結 佩戴感 導管不會太粗也不會太短,戴起來剛剛好 耳鈎舒服而且很軟,會比較貼耳朵可是不會施放任何壓力 整體上佩戴起來非常舒服,耳機幾乎不會有任何存在感,可以輕鬆帶上一整天 調音 深V型,低音特化 低頻 低頻量感驚人,而且表現不錯 細節,下潛,與彈性都還行,比較中規中矩,可是都不會太差 氛圍感和厚度非常飽滿,非常濃郁 打擊感也很好,有拳拳到肉的感覺,一波接著一波 可是速度會偏慢,偶爾會無法駕馭低頻比較快的歌 中頻 中頻表現非常不平均 中低頻的人聲,尤其是比較低沉的男聲,非常容易被下盤過量的低頻壓過,聽起來比較遠而且比較糊,不夠幹淨 中高頻的人聲,尤其是女聲,表現得比較出色,亮麗而且能量感也十足,可是偶爾會覺得太靠前,太刺激 樂器表現也不一致,部分樂器會被低音蓋過 高頻 高頻偏亮,偶爾會覺得小刺,可是 整體上還是屬於比較順滑的類型 女聲的尾韻,齒音這些細節有刻意削得