TSMR Halo: Summit-Fi Price, But Not Summit-Fi Performance.
Pros Fairly small size Snappy, clean bass despite the extra mid bass Energetic upper midrange without being overly shouty Sufficient treble sparkle Smooth treble Good treble extension Good detail retrieval Pinpoint holographic imaging Cons PRICE Slight stiffness in stock cable Meh accessory inclusions Short nozzle Limp BA bass, lacking impact and physicality Recessed lower midrange Disclaimer Huge thanks to Penon for providing the opportunity for me to review the TSMR Halo through a discount on the Halo. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way. Please take this review with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different. Price(MSRP) $1999.00 Source(s) Fairly easy to drive. Any decent, modern dongle DAC/Amp should be more than sufficient. Ear tips Dunu S&S Packaging TSRM Halo. Storage case It is a bit too small. It can barely fit...