LETSHUOER x GIZAUDIO Galileo: Amazing Vocal Set without Breaking the Bank


  • Amazing accessories 
  • Safe, inoffensive tonality
  • Very natural midrange
  • Forward and beautiful vocals
  • Decent lower and mid treble energy
  • Minimal harshness/peaks 

  • Stiff ear hooks
  • Bass is lacking a little depth
  • Lacking extension in the upper treble region

  • Truthear Shio

Ear tips
  • SpinFit CP145 
  • DUNU S&S  

    • Comes with a decent amount of accessories
      • IEM.
      • Hard case.
        • Looks and feels like a very high quality premium case, I love it a lot!
      • Small cleaning brush.
      • Wide selection of ear tips.
        • 3 pairs of narrow bore silicone tips (S, M, L)
        • 3 pairs of wide bore silicon tips (S, M, L)
      • Stock cable 
        • Quality is very good, but ear hooks are really stiff.

    Build Quality
    • Lightweight.
    • Plasticky body.
    • Slightly larger shell.

    • Nozzle is a little on the narrower side.
    • The slightly large form factor of the IEM is kind of getting in the way, but I would still consider this as comfortable after getting used to it.
    • The stiff ear hooks from the cable causes a little pain after long hours of listening, as there is a slight force clamping on my ears, not sure if this problem will still persists in the future. But as the time of writing, I still face this problem but it is not as bad as when I first tried, hopefully this won't be a huge issue as time goes on.

    • Neutral with a slight bass boost.

    • Quite balanced between sub bass and mid bass, only slight emphasis on mid bass
    • The bass is snappy, well controlled, very well textured and defined.
    • However, it does lack a little bit of depth, but impact and slam is still fairly decent.
    • I think it compliments the rest of the tuning very well, considering that this is a midrange focused set.

    • Very natural and beautiful midrange, with a hint of warmth. 
    • Vocals, especially female vocals, truly come alive and become the absolute star of the show, with a forward and lively presentation. Also sound very smooth, sweet and emotional while not being aggressive in any way. Even the last bit of breath and extension can be heard clearly. 
    • However, male vocals may sound a little thin and lean, and a step behind female vocals, but still come across as decently natural overall.

    • Treble is overall very smooth and not fatiguing but not airy as well. 

    • Decent mid and lower treble energy which extends the energy from upper midrange really well. Therefore, it still has a fair bit of sparkle in the lower and mid treble region.

    • There were also minimal harshness and peaks even when I tried with sibilant tracks.

    • Details on the treble are decent but not outstanding in any way.


    Detail Retrieval
    • Resolution is good but not outstanding by any means. However, it is still perfectly acceptable and reasonable, as the detail retrieval of the Galileo is definitely not bad at all. 

    • Soundstage is average, depth and width are okay-ish, doesn't feel too compressed but isn't too spacious as well.

    • Imaging and accuracy is decent, I am still able to tell where the instruments and vocals come from,
    • Gaming:
      • Apex Legends: Sound of footsteps and gunfire can be pinpointed. I am able to judge them in terms of distance and direction roughly but not exactly. 

    • Separation and layering is good. 
    • Vocals really popped out but layering between instruments are not as well separated. 
    • Runs most of my busy tracks fine, but sounds congested occasionally.

    • Even at this really competitive price bracket, the Galileo still shines and is very worth due to its very well done midrange & vocal centric tonality.
    • However, it is not very well rounded, specifically for busier genres like rock and pop sounds a little unsatisfying. But for slow and vocal focused, female vocals especially, sounds heavenly. 
    • Overall, great purchase if you are looking for a set that is specialized for vocals and neutral.
    • But try to keep in mind that it may not be the best if you are looking for something very fun, exciting and engaging.

    Thanks for reading!


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