Truthear Hexa: Mini Blessing 2 for $80?!

  • Excellent tonality
  • Bass quality 
  • Clean midrange with a hint of warmth
  • Very well extended and airy treble
  • Excellent separation
  • Exceptional resolution

  • Lacking mid bass punch
  • Occasional sibilance and peaks
  • Note weight and density is thin

  • Truthear Shio

Ear tips
  • FiiO HS19 double flange

    • Comes with a decent amount of accessories
      • IEM.
      • Soft pouch.
      • Wide selection of eartips.
        • 3 pairs of narrow bore silicone tips (S, M, L)
        • 3 pairs of wide bore silicon tips (S, M, L)
        • 1 pair of memory foam tips
      • Cable is alright, tangles a bit sometimes.

    Build Quality
    • Lightweight.
    • Matte faceplate, plasticky body

    • Nozzle is a little on the wider side, may not be for everyone. However, it fits really well for me.

    • Neutral with some sub-bass boost.
    • Leaning towards analytical instead of fun.
    • Some may say it is too boring, but personally I find it engaging enough without being too dull.

    • Good amount of sub bass, really satisfying rumble.
    • Slightly lacking in mid bass slam
    • Speed is decently fast.
    • Well controlled and no sign of bleeding into the midrange.
    • Has good depth and impact but fairly average in texture and resolution. 
    • However, bass quantity is not much.

    • Clean midrange with a hint of warmth.
    • Instruments sound a little light and thin but still considered natural most of the time.
    • Overall note weight and density is on the thin side, especially in the upper midrange. 
    • Not the most natural sound midrange, timbre is slightly off.  
    • Vocals are generally relaxed but engaging enough to feel immersive, but lacking in body and weight.

    • Treble is bright and sparkly.
    • A little bit too peaky to me, slightly fatiguing.
    • Details in trebles are very good.
    • Treble is well extended with a airy and open feeling.


    Detail Retrieval
    • Resolution is one of the best for this price range, capturing a lot of details.

    • Soundstage is good, with decent width and height. Furthermore, it feels fairly open due to the airiness from the treble extension. 

    • Imaging and accuracy is spot on as position of instruments and vocals can be pinpointed fairly easily.
    • Gaming:
      • Apex Legends: Sound of footsteps and gunfire can be easily pinpointed.

    • Separation and layering is very good.
    • Runs most of my super busy tracks without feeling congested at all

    • I would call it a more "fun" mini Blessing 2 in terms of tonality, with smoother trebles, more bass, and a more affordable price tag.
    • However, Blessing 2 still has much better technicalities, with minor differences in tonality, so it really comes up to personal preference and budget.
    • Really well tuned with outstanding technicalities, considering the price.
    • Overall, the Truthear Hexa is an excellent set if you prefer a neutral tonality.
    • However, please do try the Hexa out first before making a decision to purchase, as the tuning is a little unique and may not be for everyone.

    Thanks for reading!


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