Truthear Hola: New Best $20 IEM?


  • Pleasant and relaxing tonality 
  • Good cable at this price range
  • Plenty of decent bass 
  • Warm and natural midrange 
  • Minimal harshness/peaks 
  • Very affordable

  • Treble lacks a bit of sparkle
  • Lacks a bit of resolution even for this price range

  • Conexant (CX-Pro) CX31993

Ear tips
  • SpinFit CP145 

    • Borrowed unit from a friend, so I am unable to give my impressions on the packaging itself.

    Build Quality
    • Plasticky but solid build.
    • Lightweight. 

    • The fit is really good, very lightweight and comfortable, almost non-existent on my ear. 

    • Tuned to Harman target
    • Very pleasant and relaxing tonality.
    • Plenty of bass, warm midrange and smooth treble on the darker side.

    • Plenty amount of bass, slightly on the bassy side.
    • Slightly more emphasis on the sub bass rumble, but it also has a decent amount of mid bass slam.
    • Bass is not super tight but it is acceptable, while depth is quite good.
    • Overall, it is quite punchy and satisfying but not the most detailed bass response. 

    • Lower midrange is rather warm.
    • Male vocals and instruments in the lower midrange are a little too warm to my preference, to the point where it sounds a little bit muddy and bloated.
    • Female vocals sound engaging and lively enough, but not to the point where it gets shouty and fatiguing. It is more on the relaxing side if anything.
    • Instruments still come across as natural, with decent timbre, 

    • Treble is overall really smooth, but slightly on the darker side, it just lacks some sparkle to bring life and air to the upper frequencies. It also lacks a little bit of extension towards the higher treble.
    • However, there are only minimal sibilance or peaks to be found throughout my experience.
    • Lacking in details but that is to be expected of an IEM of this price point.


    Detail Retrieval
    • Resolution is underwhelming even at this price point.
    • Sounds mushy and lacks overall definition.

    • Soundstage is average, while being a little narrow.

    • Imaging and accuracy is alright, I am able to tell the direction of instruments and vocals roughly, but not precisely.
    • Gaming
      • Apex Legends: Sound of footsteps and gunfire can still be pinpointed to an extent, but I’m having a little more trouble judging the exact direction and location. Overall it is alright for a $20 set, just not competitively. 

    • Separation is quite decent. 
    • Slight congestion on busier tracks but it is bearable, which is quite impressive when considering the price of the Hola.

    • Very worthy of $20, very well tuned, relaxing pair of IEM.
    • Suitable if you want to:
      • First getting into this hobby.
      • Don't mind the lack of details.
      • Listen for long hours.
      • Keep it as a secondary IEMs.
      • Use this outside which has a higher risk of losing IEMs.
    • Recommended even if blind buying.

    Thanks for reading!


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