BQEYZ Topaz: The most Unique Budget Offering?


  • Unique tonality
  • Interesting driver configuration 
  • Excellent stock cable 
  • Great bass quality 
  • Full and lush male vocals 
  • Rich and thick note weight and density
  • Decent technicalities 

  • Need some time to get used to the unique tuning 
  • Lack of midrange clarity 
  • Veiled female vocals 
  • Odd timbre
  • Occasional peaks and sharpness

  • Truthear Shio 
    • Only source I have that has a 4.4 balanced output. 
      • The Topaz that was borrowed to me is using the stock 4.4 cable 
Ear tips
  • Acoustune AET07

  • Borrowed unit, so I can't comment too much on the original packaging.
  • Stock cable are EXCELLENT, can compete against more premium offering's stock cable, might even be better than Letshuoer's already great stock cable!

Build Quality
  • Lightweight.
  • Solid build quality 

  • Nozzle width is average and length is a little short.
  • Shell has a large fin on it, may cause the fit to be not as deep, but overall it is quite a comfortable experience even after long hours. 

  • Warm, mild V-shaped. 

  • Surprisingly, the sub bass is quite prominent, but the mid bass isn't lacking in any way too.
  • Has very good rumble and impact, decent slam, depth, texture and definition.
  • Overall, it also has a really nice fullness and physicality to it, making the bass sounds bodied.
  • However, the speed is average and the decay is a little bit slow, causing it to sound a little mushy sometimes. 
  • It is also not the most well controlled bass, which bleeds a little bit into the midrange but not necessarily a bad thing. 
  • Good amount of bass, very satisfying but never too overpowering.   
  • Midrange is very warm, full and thick, most unique aspect of the IEM in my opinion.
  • Male vocals sound very lush and bodied, and quite forward with very decent texture as well. 
  • Female vocals on the other hand, is a bit more pushed backward, and sounds somewhat veiled and muffled. 
  • Instruments sound extra thick due to the heavy note weight and density. 
  • This warmth throughout the midrange does affect the clarity of the midrange heavily, causing it to be very colored. 
  • Overall, the midrange is a hit or miss, you'll either really love it or hate it due to that special touch of warmth. 
  • Unfortunately, I did not like it as much as the timbre isn't natural to my ears. 
  • Treble is relaxing and laid back overall but there are sharpness in certain frequencies.
  • Due to the peaks, there will be a ringing or zinging sensation for certain tracks, but it is not often for me.
  • It also lacks a fair bit of airiness since it doesn't extends well into the upper region.
  • However, details in the treble department is decent.


  • Resolution is decent and competent for the price despite having such a warm and relaxed signature. 

  • Soundstage is decent, staging is on the wider side but quite average in terms of depth.  

  • Imaging and accuracy is alright, I am able to tell where the instruments and vocals quite well from left/right but struggle a little in other directions.
  • Gaming:
    • Apex Legends: Similar situation, I'm able to judge the sound of footsteps and gunfire in terms of left and right really well but not other directions and distances.
  • Separation and layering is average, instruments and vocals are a little mushed together in the lower end but layering is quite decent on the upper end. 

  • Overall, I think that the BQEYZ Topaz is truly a unique, special, but also niche offering. 
  • Unfortunately, I did not enjoy the Topaz as much, as the timbre mostly sounds way too off for me, but there are a few people that I know who really enjoy this type of  very smooth, warm, and lush signature. 
  • However, I can safely say that this is definitely one of the, if not the most special IEM that I have tried in a while, but it is not up to my preference. 
  • If you have the chance, this is very well worth to demo to see if this signature is suitable for you, as this is truly one of its kind especially for only $89. 

Thanks for reading!


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