TANGZU Wan'er S.G: My Favorite Budget IEM


  • Beautiful box design and cleaning cloth
  • Wide selection of ear tips 
  • Excellent, well done tonality 
  • Punchy and impactful bass
  • Warm and natural midrange 
  • Very lively and forward vocals
  • Smooth and inoffensive treble
  • Easy to drive

  • No carrying pouch or bag included
  • Cheap, plasticky build 
  • IEM falls off from cable occasionally 
  • Treble lacks extension in the middle and upper region 
  • Slightly fatiguing after long listening sessions due to forward upper midrange

  • Conexant (CX-Pro) CX31993
Ear tips
  • Acoustune AET07

  • Comes with a decent amount of accessories
    • IEM.
      • Attached to 1 pair of ear tips
    • Cleaning cloth
    • Wide selection of ear tips.
      • 3 pairs of narrow bore silicone tips (S, M, L)
      • 3 pairs of wide bore silicon tips (S, M, L)
    • Cable 
      • Decent, thin and braided but tangles a little bit sometimes.
      • Should be a slight improvement over the clear/black version from what I remembered when I tried the Wan Er in my local store.

Build Quality
  • Lightweight.
  • Plasticky body.
  • Build quality is only average and cheap. 

  • Nozzle width and length is average.
  • Shell does not have an ergonomic design to complement the ear cavity shape like the Moondrop Aria or the Letshuoer x Gizaudio Galileo. Unfortunately, this does affect the overall comfort for me. 
  • I was able to listen on short period of time comfortably but it gets a bit uncomfortable and painful after extended use (3-4 hours).

Galileo, Wan Er, Aria shell comparison

  • Mild V-shaped.

  • Bass is quite balanced with the mid bass taking a slight lead.
  • Impactful, has good mid bass slam, decent rumble and depth, texture and definition is more on the average side but not bad by any means. 
  • However, the speed is a little on the slower side and it is not the most well controlled bass, which bleeds a little bit into the midrange but not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Good amount of bass, very satisfying but never too overpowering.   
  • Midrange is warm and natural. 
  • Vocals has a nice weight and body to the, which makes them sound full and lush.
    • Female vocals are a step more forward and energetic compared to male vocals, but is a little fatiguing and shouty to me after long listening sessions, depending on tracks too. 
  • Most of the instruments sounded natural, but due to the thicker note weight, strings like acoustic guitars is affected a little more by that thickness.  
  • Treble is sparkly on the lower region but rolls off in the mid and upper region.
  • Overall, it is quite smooth and not harsh.
  • However, it does lacks a sense of airiness since it doesn't extends well into the upper region.


  • Resolution is decent and competent for the price but not the best in this bracket.
  • It sits somewhere in between the Truthear Hola and the 7hz Salnotes Zero, differences between the 3 are minor but noticeable in my opinion.  

  • Soundstage is average, which sounds a little compressed and in your head but not a huge problem for an IEM at this price point. 

  • Imaging and accuracy is also average, I am able to tell where the instruments and vocals come from but only roughly.
  • Gaming:
    • Apex Legends: Sound of footsteps and gunfire can be pinpointed in the correct direction but hard to pinpoint it exactly.
  • Separation and layering is quite decent for a single DD budget set. Most instruments in busier tracks are layered well enough without feeling too overwhelmingly congested. 

  • Great starting point as a first IEM as it is very well balanced, versatile, and affordable.
    • Truthear Hola leans towards the warm and relaxing side.
    • 7hz Salnotes Zero leans towards the bright and sparkly side.
  • This is my absolute favorite budget set of all. Fun, exciting, while being not too offensive at the same time. Very enjoyable, easy to listen tonality and decent technicalities, what else could I have asked for at this price range? 
    • Have spent almost 3 weeks using the Wan Er daily and I genuinely enjoyed listening to it a lot. 

Thanks for reading!


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