DUNU Alpha 3 Quick Impression: The Flathead That is Closest to an IEM?

  • Good accessories
  • Excellent build quality 
  • Deep, thumpy bass
  • Good, natural timbre
  • Lower midrange doesn't sound overly bloaty or muddy
  • Female vocals is forward and engaging but never shouty
  • Treble is quite smooth
  • Good technicalities 

  • Treble can be a little intense with prolonged listening 
  • Non-detachable cable
  • Lack of air/upper treble

  • Huge thanks to HiFiGo for providing the opportunity for me to win the Dunu Alpha 3 in a Twitter giveaway. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way. 


  • Truthear Shio
  • Donut foam

  • Comes with a decent amount of accessories
    • Earbud
    • Large, high quality case
    • 2 different types of foams
      • 3 sets of donut foams
      • 3 sets of balanced foams
    • Cleaning brush

Build Quality
  • Feels premium, has a good heft to it and is very sturdy.
  • Cable is good with decent thickness but feels a bit stiff

  • One of the best fitting earbuds for me, the weight from the earbuds helps to make them stay on my ears comfortably


  • One of the most impressive aspects of  the Alpha 3 to me. 
  • Mid bass focused
  • Bass goes really deep, and it is very well defined. 
  • Quite well controlled as well, compared to a lot of other flatheads I tried. 
  • Lower midrange has some warmth and body to it but it is relatively clean and crisp compared to most of others that I have tried, which I find it to be muddy and bloaty.
  • Upper midrange is boosted, very engaging and forward without sounding overly shouty. 
  • Treble is slightly on the brighter and smoother side.
  • Details can be perceived quite easily.
  • However, it does get a little bit intense and fatiguing after long hours of use.
  • It also lacks a little bit of airiness from upper treble.

  • Resolution and detail retrieval is very good, somewhat above its price point
  • Soundstage is decent, width is average but stage goes fairly deep.
  • Separation and layering is good, vocals and every instruments are quite distinct.
  • Imaging is decent, I don't find any problems with positioning of instruments in songs or gunshots/footsteps in games for now.

  • Personally, I have tried some flatheads in the past which are in different price ranges, which includes the $350 TGX Sunniva, but I still think that the Dunu Alpha 3 really stands out as a $80 flathead. 
  • The Dunu Alpha 3 somewhat sounds the closest to an IEM with the characteristics of a flathead like soundstage, at least to my ears.
  • If I were to recommend a flathead for a person who only uses IEM as a start, it will definitely be the Dunu Alpha 3, it really is that good, in my honest opinion.

Thanks for reading!


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