SeeAudio Yume 2: My Favorite Hybrid under $200


  • Beautiful packaging and accessories
  • Excellent build quality with a gorgeous finish
  • Clean yet natural midrange with a hint of warmth 
  • Snappy, punchy bass
  • Female vocals sound amazing and engaging
  • Treble is sparkly and decently smooth
  • Excellent treble extension and air 
  • Great technicalities for a hybrid

  • Shell is a fingerprint magnet 
  • Cable is thin and somewhat easy to tangle 
  • Bass decay can be a bit too fast
  • Lower midrange is slightly thin
  • Slight metallic timbre
  • Treble can be a little intense for long listening sessions
  • Too much air, sounds a little unnatural

I bought the Seeaudio Yume 2 from Stars Picker Audio Library after trying them out on several occasions. They are a audio store in Malaysia that offers a variety of different audio gears to try. The staffs are very friendly and knowledgeable, and the atmosphere is comfy and perfect for audio gear testing. Highly recommended to go there for audio related needs.


  • Truthear Shio
Ear tips
  • DUNU S&S 

  • Comes with a decent amount of accessories
    • IEM.
    • Hard case. 
      • Clamshell type opening mechanism 
      • Also comes with a button-up strap in the case itself, to button up to cables
        • The cable must be thin enough to be buttoned up though.
    • Wide selection of ear tips.
      • 5 pairs of generic silicone ear tips 
    • 6N OFC Silver-Plated Copper Cable
      • Quality is decent, but it does tangle up a sometimes, and it is actually quite thin and lightweight. 

Build Quality
  • Beautiful, solid aluminum alloy finish throughout the shell.

  • Nozzle width is on the thinner side, but length is average.
  • Fits very well for me, I can feel the little bit of weight of the Yume 2 but it is lightweight enough for me to use it comfortable for half a day easily. 

  • Bright leaning, mild V-shaped

  • Decently balanced, but mid bass is slightly more prominent than the sub bass.
  • Impactful yet very snappy and punchy bass with decent depth. 
  • Has decent texture and good definition.
  • Bass decay is a little bit too fast, may leave some people wanting a bit more.
  • Good amount of bass to sound fun enough but definitely not enough to satisfy bassheads.
  • Generally clean midrange with some warmth. 
  • Female vocals are the highlight here: Very engaging and forward but never shouty, smooth, crystal clear, and have some bite to them with very good extension. 
  • Male vocals are not as excellent as female vocals but they don't fall too short either, the little bit of warmth helps to maintain its lushness to a certain degree but there is still a little bit of thinness to it, only very slightly though. 
  • Overall timbre and instruments sound decently natural for most part, only a very slight metallic timbre on the upper end.
  • Overall note weight and density leans towards the thin side.
  • Treble is overall bright and airy.
  • Can get a little grainy or mildly sibilant at times but it is still considered to be quite smooth overall.
  • Can get a little intense/fatiguing over a long listening session but never gets too harsh or peaky.
  • Very well extended, all the way up until the upper treble, giving it a very airy sensation, it also adds some extra crispiness to notes.
  • However, I think the extension is overdone, making them a little unnatural.
  • Details in the treble is very revealing and can be perceived easily as well, due to its sparkly nature.


  • Resolution and detail retrieval is great ... for a hybrid in this range. Falls a bit short when comparing to planar IEMs in this price range like the Letshuoer S12 and 7hz Timeless. 

  • Soundstage is wide and expansive, but depth is somewhat average.  

  • Imaging and accuracy is decent, I am able to tell where the instruments and vocals quite well in most cases.
  • Gaming:
    • Apex Legends: Similar situation, I'm able to judge the sound of footsteps and gunfire in terms of left and right really well but not other directions like top and bottom.
  • Separation and layering is good, each and every individual instrument and vocal are layered very clearly.  

  • As a conclusion, I think the Seeaudio Yume 2 is an easy recommendation if you're looking for an IEM that is fun, yet well balanced, well controlled, clean, and not overdone in any way.
  • The Seeaudio Yume 2 does quite well in all 3 frequencies (bass, midrange, treble), and there was no major flaw in any of them, only minor nitpicks at worst. 
  • However, if you're looking for an IEM that special in a specific fields only (eg: technicalities [planar]), this may not be it for you as this is very well rounded. 

Thanks for reading!


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