CVJ KE-S & CVJ TXS: How are these so cheap?


  • Very affordable 
  • Comes with a decent set of ear tips
  • Lightweight, comfortable fit
  • Fun tonality
  • Fun bass with decent qualities
  • Very engaging and forward female vocals
  • Treble is bright and sparkly
  • Decently smooth treble with only mild peaks 
  • Tuning switches (TXS)

  • No included pouch or case
  • Cheap, plasticky build
  • Somewhat recessed midrange
  • Female vocals can be harsh and veil 
  • Thin note weight and density at lower midrange
  • Subpar technicalities
  • Tuning switches doesn't change the sound much (TXS)

  • Huge thanks to CVJ for providing the opportunity for me to review the CVJ KE-S and CVJ TXS. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way. 
  • Both of the IEMs sound quite similar. Therefore, I decided to write about both in the same article, as I think it is a little redundant to release 2 very similar articles.

  • CVJ KE-S: $10
  • CVJ TXS: $12


  • Jcally JM6 Pro
  • Truthear Shio
Ear tips
  • Dunu S&S


  • CVJ KE-S
    • Comes with a barebone set of accessories
      • IEM.
        • Attached to 1 pair of silicone ear tips (M sized)
      • Decent selection of ear tips.
        • 2 pairs of silicone ear tips (S, L)
          • The stock ear tips are actually quite comfortable for me, they are soft and sounds pretty decent.
      • 4N OFC cable woven with Kevlar fiber
        • Feels cheap but it is soft and doesn't tangle often.
        • Ear hooks are soft as well.

    • Comes with a barebone set of accessories
      • IEM.
        • Attached to 1 pair of silicone ear tips (M sized)
      • Decent selection of ear tips.
        • 2 pairs of silicone ear tips (S, L)
          • The stock ear tips are actually quite comfortable for me, they are soft and sounds pretty decent.
      • High purity OFC cable 
        • Decent at first look, but they feel surprisingly cheap. I did not like the feel of them.
        • Ear hooks are stiffer than the ones in KE-S
      • Switch control tool 

Build Quality
  • Plasticky, lightweight shell. Feels and looks very cheap. 

  • KE-S
    • Nozzle width and length is quite average. 
    • Fit is quite comfortable for me, very lightweight so I don't feel much on my ears.
    • Ear hooks shape is a bit weird and long but it is soft so it doesn't actually bother me too much.
  • TXS
    • Nozzle width and length is quite average. 
    • Fit is decent, lightweight but isn't super comfortable like the KE-S.
    • Ear hooks shape is a bit weird and long, but in this case, the ear hooks are stiffer than the one in KE-S, therefore irritating me a bit more.

  • V shaped. 
  • For the TXS, I don't hear a very apparent difference for the tuning switch settings. Therefore, I go with the default setting for both being down. 

  • Quite balanced between the sub bass and mid bass, but mid bass is slightly more prominent here.
  • Fun and impactful. Have good slam, rumble and decent depth. 
  • Bass texture and definition are average as expected, plus the speed and decay is a little on the slower side, which makes it a little harder to keep up with very busy tracks. 
  • Not the most well controlled bass too, bleeds a little into the midrange.
  • Surprisingly, for KE-S, it has decent sub bass extension for the extra rumble. 
  • The TXS is lacking a little bit of that extra rumble. 
  • Quantity of bass is quite huge, may even be sufficient for some bass heads! 
  • Midrange is somewhat recessed, making it quite scooped after the initial bleed.
  • Male vocals and instruments in the lower midrange are pushed back, sounding a bit too distant to my liking.
  • Higher female vocals and instruments in the upper midrange on the other hand, are very forward and energetic, but it is a little too aggressive for me, making them sounding too veil and shouty.
  •  The TXS isn't as bad as the KE-S in this aspect but still suffers from similar issue.
  • Timbre is not the most natural as there is some bass bleed and veil-ness but is decently acceptable for a V shaped signature at this price range.
  • Note weight and density are decent everywhere else other than the lower midrange which is kind of thin.
  • Treble is on the brighter side.
  • Not the smoothest treble as it comes with some sibilance but far from the worst I've heard.
  • Treble extension is ... subpar. Basically no sense of airiness. However, the KE-S is a touch better in terms of treble extension if I had to pick one.
  • Details in treble are subpar, cymbals sound blunted and smeared but this is to be expected from something in this price range.


  • Resolution and detail retrieval are average. However, I think this is fairly acceptable considering that this only costs $10 - $12. 

  • Soundstage is somewhat cramped, doesn't sound wide or deep in any way.

  • Imaging is also subpar, sound can be distinguished for left and right but struggles in other directions.

  • Separation and layering is average. 
  • Suffers a bit during busy tracks but generally does alright for not-so-busy tracks 


  • Accessories: While the TXS stock cable may seem a bit more premium at first sight, KE-S has a softer cable with softer ear hooks, and the KE-S fits better on my ears. The TXS on the other hand has tuning switching but those are more of a gimmick.
  • Bass: KE-S has better sub bass extension, which gives a little bit more rumble. Other than that, there isn't much noticeable difference between them.
  • Midrange: Both are also quite similar in this aspect, while still being a little aggressive, the upper midrange on the TXS is slightly less veil and shouty. 
  • Treble: While both are bright and sparkly, having a similar smoothness as well, the KE-S has a slightly better upper treble extension.
  • Technicalities: Both are very similar in this aspect.
  • Overall, I would personally KE-S due to its better fit, cable and sonic presentation. However, the difference between them are not day and night. 

  • Despite all cons, these only cost around $10, therefore I think most of the cons are forgivable because of the price. 
  • As a conclusion, I think both are actually quite good for the price. They are fun sounding IEMs with some spiciness to it but lacks quite a bit in terms of technicalities. 
  • Personally, I would go for the KE-S as it is cheaper, has a softer cable with softer ear hooks, and a better fit for my ears. 
  • However, if you're looking for a more relaxed or neutral signature with good technicalities, I suggest looking for something else. 

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