TANGZU FUDU VERSE 1: Premium Ear Tips? IEM? Why not Both?


  • Excellent ear tips and carrying pouch
  • Solid, lightweight build with minimalist aesthetics 
  • Fun, full bodied bass 
  • Warm, natural midrange
  • Thick, laid back vocals
  • Smooth, inoffensive treble 
  • Good timbre for a hybrid
  • Dense, thick note weight and density 

  • Subpar cable quality with loose ear hooks
  • Not the fastest and cleanest bass
  • Slightly lacking in midrange clarity 
  • Treble can be overly safe, lacking a bit of sparkle
  • Lack of treble extension
  • Subpar technicalities

  • Huge thanks to Tangzu for providing the opportunity for me to review the Tangzu Fudu via a tour. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way. 

  • $89.99


  • Jcally JM6 Pro
  • Truthear Shio
Ear tips
  • Dunu S&S

  • Comes with a good amount of accessories
    • IEM.
      • Attached to 1 pair of generic silicone ear tips (M sized)
    • Soft pouch. 
      • Leather-ish texture.
    • 2 different sets of premium ear tips!
      • 3 pairs of Tangzu Tang Sancai (Balanced) silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
        • Personally, I find this quite comfortable, they are much softer than expected and fits into my ears comfortably. 
        • However, I have some friends who owns them but they find the Sancai tips slip out easily and unable to grip to their ears.
      • 3 pairs of Divinus Velvet silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
        • Very comfortable, adds a touch more air and openness. 
        • Has the potential to be one of my favorite tips.
    • High-purity Oxygen-free Copper Wire Cable
      • Subpar, quite rubbery, not smooth at all. Tangles up quite often. 
      • Ear hooks also doesn't rest well

Build Quality
  • Plasticky, lightweight shell with matte finish but doesn't feel cheap at all.

  • Nozzle has average width but longer than average.
  • Fit is decent for me, but not great. Able to insert quite deep and snuggly but the ear hooks doesn't rest on my ears at all. 

  • Warm, bassy, mild L-shaped. 

  • Quite balanced between the sub bass and mid bass, both are pretty monstrous in quantity but sub bass is slightly more prominent.
  • Impactful, meaty, plenty of slam and rumble but definition and texture are not the best.
  • The bass also sounds a little boomy, and it bleeds a little bit into the midrange. 
  • Speed and decay is on the slower side but acceptable as long as the tracks are not super busy. Still decent for genres like rock.
  • Quantity of bass is huge, may even be sufficient for some bass heads! 

  • Midrange is quite warm, adding some heft to it but sacrifices a bit of clarity and transparency.
  • Male vocals are lush and thick, and slightly more forward compared to female vocals. 
  • Female vocals are also thick but I noticed a slight huskiness in them, and they are laid back but have just enough energy to not sound too pushed back. 
  • Instruments and timbre are surprisingly good and natural, considering that this is a hybrid IEM of this price, I expect at least some sort of thinness or metallic timbre but there were almost none of it.
  • Overall note weight and density are thick and hefty. 

  • Treble is quite relaxed, a little on the darker side which does lack a bit of sparkle.
  • Smooth, almost no sibilance or sharpness can be perceived in my case.
  • However, upper treble roll off is quite apparent to me, lacking the sense of airiness.
  • Details are also not as revealing as the overall treble isn't as forward as other ranges. Sounds rather blunted.


  • Resolution and detail retrieval are a little subpar, considering that there are many products in this price range that can easily outshine the Fudu in this department, such as the Truthear Hexa, Letshuoer DZ4, and others. 

  • Soundstage is average, nothing much to talk about, perhaps slightly narrow in terms of width but depth and height is alright.

  • Imaging and accuracy is decent, I am able to tell the placements in terms of left/right but struggle a little in terms of other directions.
  • Separation and layering is also slightly subpar. 
  • Instruments and vocals are does not have a clean separation among each other, and most of the time, they sound slightly mushed and blended together.

  • As a conclusion, the Tangzu Fudu is a decent set if you're looking for a warm, relaxing signature with big, fun bass.
  • If Tangzu did not include the premium ear tips ... I think this is a really mediocre set especially at the very competitive price range of $89. 
    • But with the premium ear tips included (around $30), it becomes a much easier recommendation, since the Fudu will then be judged within the range of $60. 
  • However, if you're looking for a more neutral and analytical signature, without the need for extra ear tips, I suggest you search for something else.

Thanks for reading!


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