Juzear Clear: Budget Bass Canon that comes with a Premium Cable


  • Premium cable
  • Good selection of ear tips (with memory foam)
  • High quality carrying pouch 
  • Solid build quality 
  • Fun and engaging bass
  • Good bass texture
  • Smooth, slightly relaxed upper midrange
  • Thick, heavy note weight 
  • Fairly deep staging

  • Bloated and slightly slow, boomy bass
  • Very recessed, scooped midrange 
  • Vocals are veiled and husky
  • Uneven midrange performance
  • Prone to sibilance and peaks 
  • Subpar technicalities as a $50 IEM

  • Huge thanks to ForHiFi Store for providing the opportunity for me to review the Juzear Clear. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way. 
  • Please take this review with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different.

  • $49.90


  • FiiO KA13
  • Truthear Shio
Ear tips
  • Dunu S&S

  • IEM.
    • Attached to 1 pair of generic silicone ear tips (M sized)
  • Hard case with a really nice texture and feel to it
  • Good selection of ear tips.
    • 2 pairs of generic silicone ear tips (S, L)
    • 2 pairs of memory foam ear tips (S, L)
  • Cleaning cloth
  • JUZEAR Pure IEM Cable 4-core 18AWG 6N Single Crystal Copper Wire (available separately on Aliexpress as well)
    • This cable alone costs around $20-$25, which is absolutely insane to be included in a $50 IEM.
    • Feels very premium, with a a very slight rubbery feeling but still very smooth.
    • Very comfortable too, no complains on the ear hooks.
    • Overall, with just how high the quality of the cable is, it is definitely worth the price of $20-$25 in my opinion. 

Build Quality
  • Plasticky, lightweight and clear, feels a little cheap but build is solid for the price.

  • Nozzle length is average, but it is slightly on the wider side 
  • Fit is really good for me, fits very comfortably.


  • V shaped. 

  • Quite balanced between the sub bass and mid bass, both are pretty monstrous in quantity.
  • Plenty of slam, impact, and thump. Super fun and engaging.
  • Bass also has a really good thickness and texture to it, with good sub bass extension to give it a super deep rumble as well.  
  • However, speed is on the slower side, with average definition and subpar control. The bass also sounds pretty boomy with the lack of speed.
  • Quantity of bass is huge, may even be sufficient for some bass heads! 
  • Overall, the bass is actually fairly satisfying, enjoyable and very comfortable to listen to as it gives a slower, fuller feeling to it that envelops you around it.

  • Midrange is very recessed, making it quite scooped overall.
  • Midrange is also uneven on several parts
    • Lower midrange has a good heft from the bass but is most likely to be muddy for most people. 
      • However, this does give male vocals a good weight and lushness most of the time.
    • Upper midrange pops out just enough from the midrange and is decently smooth.
      • Female vocals barely pops out but stays on the more relaxed side with how bassy this signature is, but they do sound husky and nasally as expected from the bloat.
    • Everything else in between them is just recessed and sounds really pushed back.
  • Timbre is not really natural as expected from a deep V shaped signature but its not too bad.
  • Overall note weight and density is thick and heavy on the lower and upper midrange but is thin in the middle.

  • Treble has enough sparkle to not be overpowered by the lower end.
  • There are a few peaks in the lower treble which unfortunately causes some mild sibilance.
  • However, it gets a touch smoother when it progresses to mid treble and the air region.
  • Treble extension is also decent which adds a little airiness to it.
  • Details can be perceived perfectly fine, nothing is being masked or boosted but details is not the strong point of the Clear anyway.


  • Resolution and detail retrieval is slightly subpar in today's market. Nothing much to talk about.

  • Soundstage is decent in terms of width, but has a good depth to it.

  • Imaging and accuracy is also slightly subpar considering a lot of notes are a bit blunted and smeared, which makes it a little hard to pinpoint the directions.
  • Separation and layering is a bit subpar too. 
  • As mentioned above, the smeared and blunted notes makes instruments and vocals a little mixed in and blended, which doesn't sound cleanly separated at all.  

  • Overall, I don't think the Juzear Clear is a very impressive or competes very well in this price bracket at all.
  • However, there are actually many points to take note of:
    • Tuning 
      • Tuning is a niche V shape, caters more towards big bass lovers.
      • Not for most people who wants a more balanced, well rounded signature.
    • Accessories
      • Considering how well accessorized the Juzear Clear is, I would actually make an argument to judge this IEM more as a $20-$30 IEM instead of the full $50 price tag. 
      • Premium cable, nice inclusion of memory foam tips, good carrying bag, and even a cleaning cloth that most premium IEMs doesn't include can easily make up more than half of the price.
  • Therefore, the Juzear Clear is more suitable for people who:
    • Wants to expand their accessories like cables or ear tips but also want a spare IEM at the same time.
    • Wants to try a more fun and niche signature with the idea of adding more accessories to their collection.

Non Affiliated Link
  • If you are interested after reading the article, feel free to check out the non affiliated link below.
  • ForHifi (Aliexpress) 

Thanks for reading!


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