AFUL MagicOne: Do Not Misinterpret the Hype!


  • Excellent stock cable
  • High quality and complete accessories
  • Very good fit and comfort
  • Surprisingly full bass from single BA
  • Rich, lush lower midrange
  • Laid back upper midrange
  • Good note weight 
  • Very smooth treble
  • Good treble extension
  • Decent technicalities

  • Very hard to drive
  • Pressure build up due to ventless design
  • Bass lacks physicality and rumble
  • Slightly congested vocals
  • Price is not competitive

  • Huge thanks to HiFiGo for providing a discount for me to review the AFUL MagicOne. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way. 
  • Please take this review with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different.

  • $139.99


  • One of the hardest to drive IEMs I owned. However, both of my dongles are able to drive it with the 4.4mm output without any issues.
    • FiiO KA13
    • Truthear Shio

Ear tips
  • Tangzu Tang Sancai

  • AFUL MagicOne with M sized wide bore silicone ear tips attached
  • Hard metal storage case
  • Good selection of ear tips.
    • 2 pairs of generic wide bore silicone ear tips (S,  L)
    • 3 pairs of generic narrow bore silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
  • High-Purity Hybrid Stock Cable
    • Feels quite premium and soft, doesn't tangle often at all.
    • Ear hooks are very comfortable as well. 
    • Only the connectors feel a little plasticky but this is just me nitpicking. 

Build Quality
  • Good build quality, shell is made out of resin.

  • Nozzle length and width are about average.
  • One of the most comfortable IEMs I have tried in a while, very lightweight and sits very well in my ear. 
  • However, pressure does get built up easily due to the ventless design. Personally, I use the Sancai tips to solve this problem for me.


  • Warm neutral. 

  • Mid bass is more prominent than sub bass.
  • Bass sounds surprisingly full, with good texture and thump.
  • However, it still lacks the physicality, slam and rumble from a DD. 
  • The bass is also not the most well controlled, and decay is slightly slower.
  • Overall, despite the cons, the bass is still impressive to me considering that this is only a single BA IEM, where even multiple BA IEMs tend to not do well in this section.

  • Midrange is quite warm and rich, and is not really recessed at all.
  • Lower midrange sounds full, which makes male vocals sound forward and lush without being bloated or muddy
  • Upper midrange on the other hand sounds smooth and laid back. Female vocals barely pop out from the mix, which is perfect if you want a more relaxed presentation but I prefer a little more energy here based on my preference. Female vocals also have a slightly huskiness sometimes from the extra warmth in the lower end but it doesn't affect my overall listening experience too much.
  • Timbre is great, everything including vocals and instruments sounded quite natural most of the time.
  • Note weight and density is thick and heavy throughout the midrange, which honestly is surprising again for the single BA configuration. 

  • Treble is very smooth throughout the low and mid treble, with enough sparkle to shine through without being fatiguing or harsh even after long listening sessions.
  • Treble extension is also good, which adds some airiness to it.
  • Details can be perceived fine, doesn't sound like the details are presented too "in your face". It sounds just about right, not too boosted and not too hidden.


  • Resolution and detail retrieval is decent for an IEM in this range, nothing groundbreaking but not bad either. Definitely went above my expectation for a single BA IEM by a little though.

  • Soundstage is decent in terms of width and depth but nothing outstanding. At least it doesn't sound narrow and cramped.

  • Imaging and accuracy is good, I am able to pinpoint positions quite easily and accurately.
  • Separation and layering is overall quite decent, but vocals may sound a little congested at times and not as well separated. 
  • This may be because of the warmer low end and lack of upper midrange energy for the vocals to pop out sometimes. 

  • Overall, the AFUL MagicOne exceeded a lot of my expectations for a single BA IEM. However, given the price tag of $140, it doesn't compete too well against other competitors in this price bracket. But again, if you're a fan of new tech and wanted to collect something that has a unique driver configuration, then I would say that this is a worthy IEM to collect, considering that the accessories are very complete and good.
  • I am still very impressed by what AFUL has pulled off in the MagicOne, and I am looking forward to how they are able to implement this technology on their future products

Non Affiliated Link
  • If you are interested after reading the article, feel free to check out the non affiliated link below.
    • HiFiGo Web: 
    • Aliexpress:
    • Amazon US: 
    • Amazon JP: 

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