
Showing posts from March, 2024

EPZ Q1 Pro: One of The Best Harman IEMs under $50

Pros Amazing yet lightweight build Decent cable inclusion Bass is tight and well controlled Clean midrange with a hint of warmth   Very engaging upper midrange Treble is smooth and relaxing Natural treble extension Decent technicalities Cons Bass lacks impact and weight Lower midrange lacks lushness Upper midrange can get shouty  Treble can be too inoffensive Slightly thin note weight  Disclaimer Huge thanks to EPZ for providing a unit of the EPZ Q1 Pro for me to review. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way.  Please take this review with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different. Price(MSRP) $35 Source(s) It is not hard to drive but also far from the easiest to drive. However, any cx dongle should work fine. When using them on my JM6 Pro, I never have to exceed 40%.  FiiO KA13 Truthear Shio JCally JM6 Pro Ear tips Dunu S&S Unboxing and Quick Su

NiceHCK DB2 Short Review: Another $20 Average V-Shaped IEM

Pros Great build quality Good quality accessories for the price Great looking aesthetics  Comfortable fit (subjective) Fun, thumpy and punchy bass  Very forward and energetic upper mids Sparkly and airy treble  Good technicalities for the price Cons Very recessed mids Shrilly, shouty vocals  Unrefined, grainy and peaky treble  Thin note weight Unnatural timbre  Disclaimer Huge thanks to HiFiGo for providing the opportunity for me to review the NiceHCK DB2. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way.  Please take this impression with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different. Price(MSRP) $22.99 Source(s) Very easy to drive, even JM6 Pro is already more than sufficient. Sources used: Topping DX1  Truthear Shio Jcally JM6 Pro Ear tips Dunu S&S  Packaging NiceHCK DB2 Leather carrying pouch Cable tie 5 pairs of NiceHCK 07 silicone ear tips (S, M-, M, M+,

Penon Turbo: All About the Versatility and BASS!

Pros Good accessories inclusion Surprisingly small and comfortable shell for a 6BA IEM Effective, versatile and well implemented tuning switches and profiles Surprisingly easy to drive Fun, high quality, woofer-like bass  Fairly clean and open lower midrange with some warmth Smooth, engaging upper midrange  Smooth treble presentation with decent sparkle Well extended and airy treble  Decent note weight  Impressive imaging and layering  Cons Bass could use a bit more definition  Turbo mode is somewhat niche and genre dependent  Recessed lower midrange due to bass tuck Not the most natural timbre  Average soundstage Price  Disclaimer Huge thanks to Penon for providing the opportunity for me to review the Penon Turbo through a discount on the Turbo. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way.  Please take this review with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be dif