NiceHCK DB2 Short Review: Another $20 Average V-Shaped IEM


  • Great build quality
  • Good quality accessories for the price
  • Great looking aesthetics 
  • Comfortable fit (subjective)
  • Fun, thumpy and punchy bass 
  • Very forward and energetic upper mids
  • Sparkly and airy treble 
  • Good technicalities for the price

  • Very recessed mids
  • Shrilly, shouty vocals 
  • Unrefined, grainy and peaky treble 
  • Thin note weight
  • Unnatural timbre 

  • Huge thanks to HiFiGo for providing the opportunity for me to review the NiceHCK DB2. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way. 
  • Please take this impression with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different.

  • $22.99

  • Very easy to drive, even JM6 Pro is already more than sufficient.
  • Sources used:
    • Topping DX1 
    • Truthear Shio
    • Jcally JM6 Pro

Ear tips
  • Dunu S&S 

  • NiceHCK DB2
  • Leather carrying pouch
  • Cable tie
  • 5 pairs of NiceHCK 07 silicone ear tips (S, M-, M, M+, L)
  • 3 pairs of generic silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
  • High Purity OFC cable
    • Surprisingly decent cable for the price
    • Feels cheap but doesn't tangle easily and comfortable to use
    • Unfortunately, no chin slider 


  • The DB2 is built very well for the price, it is mainly constructed of resin with some metal finish on edges.

    • Fit is good and comfortable for me.

  • V-shaped signature

  • Bass
    • Quite balanced between sub bass and mid bass with a very slight emphasis on the mid bass.
    • Thumpy and impactful with surprisingly decent speed and control.
    • Sub bass also has decently deep rumble to it. 
    • Have decent body and physicality to it for that satisfying punch.
    • Quantity is definitely more than sufficient for most people but not quite basshead level. 
    • Overall, the bass is quite good especially for the price, and it is fairly enjoyable. 

  • Midrange
    • The midrange performance is very uneven, with the lower midrange being very recessed and the upper midrange being very forward.
    • Lower midrange is quite clean but also pushed back, causing male vocals and certain instruments to be lacking some lushness and weight.  
    • On the other hand, upper midrange is very forward and energetic, female vocals can be but combining with the lack of weight from lower midrange, it can easily become shouty and shrilly sometimes. 

  • Treble
    • Treble is overall just grainy and unrefined, with peaks and dips everywhere.
    • However, it is quite sparkly and airy, which does bring out some details out of it. 

  • Technicalities
    • Technicalities is quite decent for the price but also not really amazing
    • Decent resolution, imaging is not bad, stage isn't really intimate or closed in, and nothing sounds overly congested on busier tracks.

  • Timbre is unnatural as expected from a V shaped IEM, but it is not the worst compared to other deep V shaped IEM. 

  • Overall, I think that the NiceHCK DB2 is a unrefined, slightly subpar V-shaped IEM that does not compete well against today's budget offerings or please too many people. However, the build quality is exceptional at this price, includes many decent accessories. 

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