Kinera Celest Pandamon 2.0: Relaxing, Vocal Centric Set, But ...


  • Decent accessories
  • Stunning design and aesthetic
  • Very lightweight and small shell
  • Easy to drive
  • Snappy bass 
  • Warm, pleasant lower midrange 
  • Energetic and smooth upper midrange
  • Very inoffensive treble 

  • Weird nozzle angle and fit
  • Bass lacks weight and impact
  • Vocals can get a little bit intense
  • Lacking some treble sparkle and air
  • Average technicalities
  • Not very competitive 

  • Huge thanks to HiFiGo for providing a unit of the Pandamon 2.0 for me to review. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way. 
  • Please take this review with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different.

  • $59

  • It is easy to drive. Even on my JM6 Pro, I only need 30-40% of the volume most of the time, which is lesser than most IEMs I have used. 
    • Topping DX1
    • Truthear Shio
    • JCally JM6 Pro

Ear tips
  • Dunu S&S

Unboxing and Quick Summary 

  • Kinera Celest Pandamon 2.0 
  • Round, semi-hard carrying case
  • Decent selection of ear tips.
    • 3 pairs of Celest 608 balanced silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
      • Has a narrower bore, more closed in 
    • 3 pairs of Celest 221 vocal silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
      • Has a wider bore, sounds more open
  •  5N Copper Silver Plated Cable
    • Feels a bit cheap but not bad at all.
    • Tangles a little bit sometimes but is comfortable to use. 

Build Quality
  • Build quality is decent, feels plasticky.
  • Shell is made out of resin, is extremely lightweight and it looks stunning.
  • Nozzle is on the narrower side, with an average length, but is angled, in a way that didn't really work out too well for me personally.
  • Fit is decent but not great, I couldn't fit it as deep as I would like due to the angled nozzle, but is very lightweight and comfortable. 


  • Mild V-shaped

  • Bass is a little more mid bass focused instead of sub bass.
  • Fast, snappy, and has a decent punch and texture to it.
  • However, it lacks a bit of impact, weight, tightness to it.
  • Quantity is on the lighter side, which is absolutely not for bassheads.
  • Overall, bass is not super satisfying, as it is lacking the weight and impact of a DD, but is somewhat fast and punchy.

  • Lower midrange has some warmth to it.
    • Gives a good amount of weight and lushness to male vocals and some instruments without being muddy bloated. 
  • Upper midrange is very forward compared to other frequencies
    • Can be a little bit shouty at times. 
    • Smooth, but the transition from the end of upper midrange to lower treble is lacking, so vocals don't really have the extension or "breathy" feeling at the end. 
  • Note weight has a nice weight and density to it but not overly heavy.
  • Most instruments do sound great without any oddities, timbre is quite natural as well. 

  • Treble is on the relaxing side, but can easily get overly dull at times.
  • Rolls off pretty early from the end of upper midrange, notes and cymbals lack incisiveness and sounds a little blunted in general. 
  • Extension is also not good, lacking a sense of airiness to it.
  • Details are not very revealing due to the overly inoffensive and rolled off treble response.


  • Resolution and detail retrieval is average due to lack of sparkle and extension in the treble.
  • Soundstage also has average width and height, but not really spacious or expansive.
  • At least it is not overly closed in but it is on the more intimate side due to the lack of air.

  • Imaging and accuracy is average.
  • Not really pinpoint accuracy due to it being blunted but still fine. 
  • Separation and layering is average as well.
  • Instruments and vocals are not clearly separated but it is not overly congested on busier tracks due to the speedy driver. 

  • Overall, I find the Pandamon 2 to be a little niche.
    • It has a pleasing, relaxing signature yet it still retains good vocal forwardness.
    • However, the bass and treble performance is not really up to par to be competitive with the rest of the market.

Non Affiliated Link
  • If you are interested after reading the article, feel free to check out the non affiliated link below.

Thanks for reading!


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