Letshuoer EJ07M: Jack of All Trades, Master of All.


  • Nice metal build 
  • Surprisingly small size as a tribrid
  • Easy to drive
  • Impactful, rumbly bass 
  • Clean yet weighted lower midrange
  • Soothing upper midrange with just enough energy
  • Super smooth treble with sufficient sparkle 
  • Good treble extension & air without sounding artificial
  • Great resolution and separation 
  • Impressive holographic imaging 
  • Surprisingly adequate note weight

  • Terrible stock cable 
  • Short nozzle will affect fit for some
  • Pressure build up
  • Driver flex for some
  • Average soundstage width and depth 

  • I spent my own money to buy this, so all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way. 
  • Please take this review with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different.

  • $669.99

  • It is fairly easy to drive
  • Even on the JM6 Pro, I only 30-40% volume at most. However, I do think that it is best to pair it with a more neutral source to tighten up the bass instead of a warm source, so I usually use it with W3 II.
    • Topping DX1
    • HiBy W3 II
    • JCally JM6 Pro

Ear tips
  • Dunu S&S

Unboxing and Review Video

  • Letshuoer EJ07M
  • Metal storage case
    • Feels extremely premium but also very heavy
    • Good for storing in a collection but not practical to carry around
  • Wide selection of ear tips.
    • 3 pairs of generic silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
      • Looks and feels like a 07 clone, which are pretty decent. 
    • 3 pairs of softer silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
      • These actually feel quite nice. Smooth and soft. 
    • 3 pairs of memory foam tips
  • High-purity, silver-plated OFC cable
    • Probably one of the worst cables I have used. 
      • They feel fine but totally unacceptable for a product of this tier.
    • Uncomfortably small and tight ear hooks, I can't fit the EJ07M AT ALL with the stock cable.
  • Cleaning brush

Build Quality
  • Build quality is excellent for the price, completely made out of metal, but not heavy at all.

  • Nozzle is very short and wide. Stubby. 
  • It is overall quite lightweight, and the shell is not that huge considering that this is a tribrid. 
  • Fits ... surprisingly well for me, especially with Dunu's S&S tips. Very comfortable. 
    • Only very slight pressure build up for me, without driver flex.
  • However, 90% of the people I know who tried the EJ07M complained about major driver flex, fit, and pressure issues.

  • However, most of the fit issues can be mitigated if you select the resin option while buying.
    • Even if you already own a pair of metal shell version of it, you can still contact them to send back for them to do it for an extra $150-160.
  • Changes for universal resin shells:
    • Longer nozzle (More comfortable fit)
    • Better venting (Less driver flex and pressure build up)
    • However, sound may change slightly due to better fit 
      • For me, I noticed a even more tamed treble response due to the deeper fit. 
  • Below are a few examples from my friend's units!


  • Sub bass boosted neutral

  • Sub bass quantity is noticeably more than mid bass, by quite a huge margin.
  • Very rumbly. 
    • Goes very deep and sounds very thick.
  • Thumps and slams are present but isn't dominant. 
  • Very well controlled and well textured, with decent speed and tightness. 
  • Transition into midrange is very smooth, no bass tuck is audible to my ears unlike the Chopin or Variations.
  • Quantity is a little more than average, fun but not overpowering at all. 
  • Overall, the bass is very satisfying and fun to listen to, but I would just like to have a little bit more balance between the sub bass and the mid bass. 

  • Lower midrange is weighted yet remains clean and clear. 
    • Male vocals and instruments in the lower midrange sounds full bodied and has excellent clarity.
  • Upper midrange is perfect, slightly relaxing yet it has enough energy to pop out of the mix.
    • Female vocals are not overly forward or recessed, the position and distance is just perfect to me.
    • Never gets shouty at all, yet it never really stays at the background, absolute star of the show. 
  • Overall, the midrange performance of the EJ07M is excellent. 
    • Very well balanced from the lower midrange to the upper midrange.
    • Perfect amount and synergy of everything, such as clarity, heft, and energy. 

  • Treble is neutral to my ears, not bright nor dark. 
    • However, since I'm a little sensitive to treble, I can see this to be on the slightly darker side if you prefer brighter treble.
  • It has a very smooth presentation, without any audible peaks to me. 
  • Treble extension is done very well too, airy yet without sounding artificial at all.
  • Details can be perceived very easily due to how smooth and well extended the treble is.
  • Overall, the treble is just as impressive, ticking every box in my book. 


  • Resolution and detail retrieval is great.
    • It is actually quite impressive that they are able to achieve this level of resolution without boosting the treble region for "artificial details". 
  • Soundstage has a rather average width with decent depth. 
    • However, it is very immersive and realistic to me.
  • Imaging and accuracy is excellent. 
    • Holographic 3D imaging with pinpoint accuracy. 
  • Separation and layering is impressive as well, instruments and vocals are separated and spaced out very nicely. Never congested no matter how busy the track gets.
  • Note weight is adequate, a little weighted but not overbearingly thick or thin at all. 
  • Timbre is good. Natural without any oddities in any way but not the most impressive aspect of the EJ07M. 

  • As a conclusion, The Letshuoer EJ07M is definitely an endgame worthy set to me. 
    • It has a very pleasant, balanced and versatile tonality, pairing with top of the line technicalities.
  • Extremely hard for me to nitpick since everything is so well balanced and well done. 
  • However, I do hear many people complaining about the fit and comfort, which is caused by the inefficient venting and short nozzle, but personally I didn't encounter any of the issues.

Thanks for reading!


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