
Showing posts from July, 2023

Letshuoer DZ4: New Tech for Only $89?!

   Pros Interesting driver configuration  Premium accessories Excellent build quality  Clean and natural midrange  Good bass Forward and engaging female vocals  Decently smooth and relaxed treble Good technicalities  Cons Lacking in mid bass Stiff cable hook Slightly thin lower midrange and male vocals Female vocals can be slightly shouty and fatiguing  Average upper treble extension and air  Disclaimer Huge thanks to Ivy Gao from Letshuoer for sending over the Letshuoer DZ4 for review purposes. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way.  Source(s) Truthear Shio Ear tips DUNU S&S  Packaging Comes with a decent amount of accessories IEM. Attached to 1 pair of silicone ear tips (Balanced, M sized) Hard case that has a premium-feeling coating. Uses a screwing mechanism to open.  Wide selection of ear tips. 2 pairs of Balanced silicone ear tips (S, L) 3 pairs of Vocal silicone ear tips (S, M, L) Cable  Quality is very go

BQEYZ Topaz: The most Unique Budget Offering?

  Pros Unique tonality Interesting driver configuration  Excellent stock cable  Great bass quality  Full and lush male vocals  Rich and thick note weight and density Decent technicalities  Cons Need some time to get used to the unique tuning  Lack of midrange clarity  Veiled female vocals  Odd timbre Occasional peaks and sharpness Source(s) Truthear Shio  Only source I have that has a 4.4 balanced output.  The Topaz that was borrowed to me is using the stock 4.4 cable  Ear tips Acoustune AET07 Packaging Borrowed unit, so I can't comment too much on the original packaging. Stock cable are EXCELLENT, can compete against more premium offering's stock cable, might even be better than Letshuoer's already great stock cable! Build Quality Lightweight. Solid build quality  Fit Nozzle width is average and length is a little short. Shell has a large fin on it, may cause the fit to be not as deep, but overall it is quite a comfortable experience even after long hours.  Tonality Warm,

TANGZU Wan'er S.G: My Favorite Budget IEM

Pros Beautiful box design and cleaning cloth Wide selection of ear tips  Excellent, well done tonality  Punchy and impactful bass Warm and natural midrange  Very lively and forward vocals Smooth and inoffensive treble Easy to drive Cons No carrying pouch or bag included Cheap, plasticky build  IEM falls off from cable occasionally  Treble lacks extension in the middle and upper region  Slightly fatiguing after long listening sessions due to forward upper midrange Source(s) Conexant (CX-Pro) CX31993 Ear tips Acoustune AET07 Packaging Comes with a decent amount of accessories IEM. Attached to 1 pair of ear tips Cleaning cloth Wide selection of ear tips. 3 pairs of narrow bore silicone tips (S, M, L) 3 pairs of wide bore silicon tips (S, M, L) Cable  Decent, thin and braided but tangles a little bit sometimes. Should be a slight improvement over the clear/black version from what I remembered when I tried the Wan Er in my local store. Build Quality Lightweight. Plasticky body. Build qualit